Saturday, August 31, 2019

Create Your Own Weight Loss Pill Essay

In 2004, the U. S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) ranked obesity as the number one health risk facing America. Obesity currently results in an estimated 400,000 deaths a year in the United States and costs the national economy nearly $122. 9 billion annually. Childhood obesity affects more than 15 percent of the population under 18 years old that is classified as overweight. Obesity not only impacts lifestyle but can also lead to lower self-esteem, cause depression and discomfort in social situations, and significantly diminish quality of life. Obesity also increases a person’s risk for developing serious obesity-related health conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, metabolic syndrome, and polycystic ovary syndrome. With this information and obesity playing such a role in today’s society I have decided to research and design my own weight loss supplement, using ingredients, herbs, extracts and vitamins that I know to be not only effective in helping men and women lose weight, but also relatively healthy considering how many different weight loss products and options there are for sale in America today. For my weight loss supplement I chose to use 5 select ingredients that I have personally used in some form or another through my time as a personal trainer and work out fanatic. My five ingredients are as follows; Caffeine Anhydrous, Green Tea Extract, L-Carnitine, Vitamin B-12 and Vitamin D3. My rationale for choosing these five ingredients is partly due to the restriction and limitations given to me by this assignment, but also because as I stated before I personally have seen weight loss results and know the potential benefits with each ingredient I listed and think they not only help individuals with weight management, specifically weight loss and appetite control, but also feel as though they are safe enough for the majority of men and women to take on a daily basis in order to help expedite the weight loss process, which can be so very difficult for people, specially as they age and their metabolism slows down. This supplement I will provide not only enhances metabolism but also directly targets fat on the persons body for use as energy during a workout, which in turn will help speed up the potential for weight loss and success in that persons exercise program, Obviously results will vary as with any supplement depending on the persons diet and consistency with their workouts, genetics, and potential other health limitations. Once again the five ingredients I chose were Caffeine, Green Tea, L-Carnitine, Vitamin B12 and Vitamin D3. I will now discuss each supplement individually, their dosing in my product and exactly how each one will potentially help benefit the consumer in their weight loss efforts. I will then talk a little about the possible negative side effects and any other pertinent information someone might need while using this product. First, the king of all the metabolism boosting supplements, Caffeine Anhydrous; in my opinion nothing can potentially help people lose weight quicker and more effectively than good old Caffeine. Bodybuilders will actually use instant coffee grounds in their pre workout shakes sometimes in order to get that quick buzz of energy before a workout. It is in almost every weight loss product in stores today and everyone knows its positive side effects, primarily energy. The way I see it the more energy and higher metabolism you have during the day the more likely you are to go workout, eat less and more importantly lose fat in the process. The body loses weight fairly scientifically for the most part, calories in versus calories out. If someone is able to boost their metabolism and therefore burn more calories in a day than they are supposed to be consuming then weight loss should occur. Although research about the connection between caffeine and weight isn’t definitive, there are several theories about how caffeine might affect weight, including: †¢ Appetite suppression. Caffeine may reduce your desire to eat for a brief time, but there’s not enough evidence to show that long-term consumption aids weight loss. Calorie burning. Caffeine may stimulate thermogenesis — one way your body generates heat and energy from digesting food. But this probably isn’t enough to produce significant weight loss. †¢ Water loss. In some people, caffeine can act as a diuretic, which means it increases the amount of urine you excrete. This increase in urine output, mostly water loss, may temporarily decrease your body weight, but it doesn’t result in the loss of body fat. As you can see Caffeine on its own isn’t a total cure all for weight loss but its potential positive benefits far outweigh the negatives and combined with the 4 other ingredients in my supplement I believe weight loss will occur. I would dose the Caffeine Anhydrous at 150mg per pill, with that pill being taken twice daily on an empty stomach, hopefully once before a workout. My next ingredient in my weigh loss product is Green Tea Extract, specifically Camellia Sinensis, which is the pure extract form. I would combine this with the caffeine at 250mg per pill, also taken twice daily. Most importantly is the EGCG in the Green Tea. I would dose 125mg of the 250mg of Green Tea specifically as the EGCG form. EGCG is short for Epigallocatechin gallate, one of the active ingredients found in green tea. Recent studies on green tea and on EGCG itself have supported EGCG’s ability to assist in weight loss. ECGC has anti-oxidant properties. Anti-oxidants protect the body’s cells from free radicals. Free radicals are believed to be responsible for many diseases and conditions in the body including cancer, auto-immune diseases, and heart disease. EGCG is found in many weight loss aids in varying strengths. As well as being an anti-oxidant, EGCG, along with the caffeine in green tea, produce a thermogenic response in the body. Thermogenesis creates heat in the body and boosts the metabolic system, increasing the speed of adipose (fat) tissue breakdown. Several studies have backed up this claim and green tea and EGCG are considered the front-runners of weight loss ingredients. Next up on my list of ingredients in my weigh loss product is L-Carnitine. I would add 1000mg of L-Carnitine to my supplement, also to be taken twice daily. L-carnitine is a substance, made from amino acids, which helps your body burn fat for energy. Taking a carnitine supplement could potentially help promote weight loss and improve your exercise performance. L-carnitine works to convert fat into energy in your body and is used in many parts of your body, particularly your muscle tissues, according to the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. Carnitine is found in dairy products and meats, but your body manufactures all it needs from methionine and lysine. In some people, carnitine production is inhibited, creating a deficiency. People who have certain genetic conditions, diabetes, liver cirrhosis and heart conditions all tend to have carnitine deficiencies. L-carnitine could help you lose weight by improving your fat-to-muscle ratio, or body composition, says the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. Carnitine supplements are also sometimes used to improve athletic or exercise performance. Carnitine might potentially help to reduce your body’s fat mass and increase muscle mass, as well as reduce fatigue, notes the University of Maryland Medical Center. Having taken Carnitine myself for many years I have always felt that this supplement worked well on it’s own, but ultimately better when stacked in conjunction with other thermogenic and weight loss supplements such as Caffeine and Green Tea, which is why I chose to combine the three together for my weight loss product. Not only will there be potential health and weight loss benefits, but the negative side effects are few and far between which is hard to say for some of the more controversial weight loss supplements out there. Lastly I will talk about the two Vitamins I chose to add to my weight loss product; those being Vitamin B12 and Vitamin D3. Both of these vitamins are excellent for ones overall health but also may help increase metabolism and weight loss in individuals. Vitamin D3 stands out as one of the most overlooked yet most important nutrients for weight loss and a whole host of other disorders. The body has thousands of different receptors for vitamin D3 and its metabolites all over the body, helping to explain the wide variety of benefits attributed to the vitamin. It has been shown to benefit insulin resistance, cancer and autoimmune conditions, as well as maintaining strong bones. However, a vitamin D3 metabolite is also required to activate the enzyme tyrosine hydroxylase. Without this enzyme, the body cannot make dopamine. Low mood and reduced metabolism are the consequences (incidentally, this is what is commonly ‘diagnosed’ as Seasonal Affective Disorder and sees patients plied with anti-depressant medication). Vitamin D3 deficiency is on the rise throughout the Western world, as increasing numbers of individuals work through the daylight hours in offices, then cover themselves from head to toe in sunscreen when on holiday. Many other issues can play a role in the inability to lose weight, such as hormonal imbalance, fungal infection, dehydration, stress, but naturally all these issues are made worse by a lack of minerals. Nourishing your body with the level of vitamins and minerals it has evolved with should remain your first priority in any regime, especially when it comes to weight loss. I would add 1000IU of Vitamin D3 to my weight loss supplement to be taken twice daily.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Last Day at School Essay

As we come to the end of 2012-13, the words that come to mind are â€Å"thank you. † This has been an amazing year !! As we reflect on the 2013-2014 school year, please join me in acknowledging and celebrating the many wonderful learning experiences and educational opportunities that have taken place for our students at school, in numerous classrooms and in very creative and innovative ways. Together we have planned and executed best teaching practices and held students to high standards and expectations. The school’s unique character, excellence in teaching, and the tremendous dedication and talent of all staff members continues to make it a wonderful and special learning environment. It is my deep belief that the hallmark of a great school is to continuously work to improve learning for each and every child. As the leader of the school, I see this is as my most important responsibility and I take it very seriously. Therefore, creating strong and effective teacher teams at each grade level each year is a top priority for me as I work to ensure positive and effective teacher collaboration on behalf of children’s learning. As principal, I am solely responsible for the supervision and evaluation of every staff member at School. In doing this, I visited every classroom several times throughout the year for extended periods of time as well as made numerous informal visits. These observational visits have given me a unique perspective on the teaching life of the school. I have been able to see firsthand how and what kind of learning is taking place in every classroom. In addition, I have also gained knowledge and perspective in working with faculty members both in groups or individually, throughout the year. This year can be summarized in a few words: In the face of significant challenges, we made significant progress. I thank you for your continued commitment and all that you did to deliver on our purpose – to help students and parents seize opportunities at every stage. I wish Mr Shawn and Ms Charo a wonderful future in terms of their careers and personal lives. Please enjoy some well deserved rest with family and friends during this holiday season, and let’s get right back to school on 13th July 2013 at 8. 00 am.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Automobile collision with serious injury

Nurses have for many years been awarded the top ranking in opinion polls about which occupations are most trusted by the general public. Some people might opine that nursing duties only relate to clinical settings and they tend to focus only nurse-patient relationship. Duties of the nurse exist only within the parameters of the hospital. Some might even argue that such intervention in roadside emergencies can get a nurse into legal complications. But then, nursing is a profession that the public depend on for support and care especially in emergency situations. Historically, nurses have been associated with emergency responses. In early times, even though nurses were not as much educated and trained as the nurses of today, they offered their nursing services with great dedication and motivation. They were known for their self-sacrificing nature and offering a human touch that says â€Å"I care.† Nursing history is replete with examples of nurses who have knowingly incurred great risk in order to care for those in need of nursing or to contribute to the advancement of health science. In the United States, the Civil War is cited regularly for the role of volunteer nurses and for the stimulus it gave Clara Barton to organize the American Red Cross, which she eventually accomplished in 1881 (Williams, 2003). That humane touch has been characteristic of the nursing profession. The first plank of the Code for Nurses states â€Å"The nurse provides services with respect for human dignity and the uniqueness of the client, unrestricted by considerations of social or economic status, personal attributes, or the nature of health problems.† This central axiom of respect for persons directs the profession (ANA, 1994). The nurse is not at liberty to abandon those in need of nursing care. According to Gebbie and Qureshi (2006), â€Å"The fundamental goal of nursing, to assist individuals to their highest possible level of functioning in the face of health and illness challenges, is never more needed than under emergency conditions†. This means, a registered nurse is obligated to attend to the wounded person in a roadside emergency. According to the Code for Nurses, nurses may morally refuse to participate in care, but only on the grounds of either client advocacy or moral objection to a specific type of intervention. As applied to nursing, a moral obligation exists for the nurse if the following four criteria are present: The client is at significant risk of harm, loss, or damage if the nurse does not assist; The nurse’s intervention or care is directly relevant to preventing harm; The nurse’s care will probably prevent harm, loss, or damage to the client; The benefit the client will gain outweighs any harm the nurse might incur and does not present more than an acceptable risk to the nurse (ANA, 2006). In the case of the roadside accident, the victims need to be attended to by a healthcare professional. Prompt medical attention by the RN can make a difference between life and death. Moreover, there is no personal risk. Hence there is a moral obligation on the part of the nurse to attend to the vi ctims. Society has come to rely on nursing and to expect that it will rise to the health demands of virtually any occasion. The only problem registered nurses encounter during such roadside interventions is that they may be forced to take decisions beyond those they are qualified for. But then, they can be protected by the Good Samaritan Doctrine which is a legal principle that prevents a rescuer who has voluntarily helped a victim in distress from being successfully sued for ‘wrongdoing.’ The purpose of this doctrine is to prevent people from refusing to help for fear of legal repercussions if they make mistakes in treatment (Neumann, 2005). The practice of the professional nurse extends beyond the confines of the immediate setting where the nurse practices to the broader environment (AU, 2006). According to a survey of many nurses all respondents claimed to have medical assistance and would do so again, but about half of them would not do so unconditionally. However, no respondent has experienced legal complications from providing medical help though they had â€Å"heard† or â€Å"read† of such cases. Thus, it is the moral obligation of a registered nurse to help any accident victim in an emergency situation. Critique of Journal Article: Gebbie, K., Qureshi, K. in the article titled â€Å"A Historical Challenge: Nurses and Emergencies† (September 30, 2006) reviews the beginning of emergency nursing as a specialty. The authors also discuss the 21st century expectations about nursing during unexpected disaster situations and various nursing roles related to emergency care. The article is detailed and has many links to related articles. The article says that both paid and volunteer nurses have played a huge role historically in fighting epidemics, HIV and AIDS. Later, nurses became known for their wartime services. By the middle 20th century, emergency rooms came into being. Today, emergency care has become a nursing specialty. The authors then point to the growth of the International Committee of the Red Cross and the International Rescue Committee. The role of the nurses in local public health emergencies is highlighted. The authors conclude that nurses have been key players during various emergency situations in the past. In the future, any kind of emergency in the community can impact the public’s health and nurses are needed for prevention, surveillance and response of every type. At the end of the 20th century, national thinking about emergency preparedness led to two important developments: identification of the key competencies needed for effective emergency response, and increased attention to planning for and practicing emergency response. The authors point out that it was necessary for nursing to identify the core abilities needed to become a part of an emergency response team and perform well. Therefore the UG nursing curriculum was adapted by the International Nursing Coalition for Mass Casualty Education (INCMCE) to assure communities that their professional nurses were competent to respond when needed. The article includes tables that list the competencies for public health workers, and the currently available emergency response competency sets applicable to nursing and the sources from which these data can be accessed in their entirety. Today, it has been recognized that there needs to be an inter-agency, interdisciplinary response, and that nearly all emergencies have potential health consequences. The authors conclude that nurses will continue to be key players in the local and national level emergency response as we move through the 21st century and that the fundamental goal of nursing, to assist individuals to their highest possible level of functioning in the face of health and illness challenges, is never more needed than under emergency conditions. The article is written in chronological sequence and is highly informative. The authors discuss present day trends in detail in the context of the terrorists attack on the World Trade Center and Hurricane Katrina. The included tables and references prove to be very useful in understanding the competency sets needed for emergency responses. This article underlines the need for competency in emergency response. This means nurses should be given better basic and continuing education and should be trained to meet such emergency situations through hospitals, public health centers, and community drills. Bibliography: Internet Sources: U.S. Department of Labor. Bureau of Labor Statistics: Registered Nurses. Occupational Handbook. AU (2006). School of Nursing: Our Philosophy. Williams, Robyn (2003). ABC Radio National Broadcast: The Ethics of Nursing in the Third Reich. Adelaide Institute. Print and Journal Sources: Gebbie, K., Qureshi, K. (September 30, 2006) â€Å"A Historical Challenge: Nurses and Emergencies†OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing. Vol. #11 No. #3, Manuscript 1. Available: ANA (1994). Ethics and Human Rights Position Statements. Risk versus Responsibility in Providing Nursing Care. ANA (2005). Code of Ethics for Nurses with Interpretive Statements. The Center for Ethics and Human Rights. Neumann, Karl (2005). Are you a Good Samaritan. News Share. Nov/Dec 2005. Automobile collision with serious injury Nurses have for many years been awarded the top ranking in opinion polls about which occupations are most trusted by the general public. Some people might opine that nursing duties only relate to clinical settings and they tend to focus only nurse-patient relationship. Duties of the nurse exist only within the parameters of the hospital. Some might even argue that such intervention in roadside emergencies can get a nurse into legal complications. But then, nursing is a profession that the public depend on for support and care especially in emergency situations. Historically, nurses have been associated with emergency responses. In early times, even though nurses were not as much educated and trained as the nurses of today, they offered their nursing services with great dedication and motivation. They were known for their self-sacrificing nature and offering a human touch that says â€Å"I care.† Nursing history is replete with examples of nurses who have knowingly incurred great risk in order to care for those in need of nursing or to contribute to the advancement of health science. In the United States, the Civil War is cited regularly for the role of volunteer nurses and for the stimulus it gave Clara Barton to organize the American Red Cross, which she eventually accomplished in 1881 (Williams, 2003). That humane touch has been characteristic of the nursing profession. The first plank of the Code for Nurses states â€Å"The nurse provides services with respect for human dignity and the uniqueness of the client, unrestricted by considerations of social or economic status, personal attributes, or the nature of health problems.† This central axiom of respect for persons directs the profession (ANA, 1994). The nurse is not at liberty to abandon those in need of nursing care. According to Gebbie and Qureshi (2006), â€Å"The fundamental goal of nursing, to assist individuals to their highest possible level of functioning in the face of health and illness challenges, is never more needed than under emergency conditions†. This means, a registered nurse is obligated to attend to the wounded person in a roadside emergency. According to the Code for Nurses, nurses may morally refuse to participate in care, but only on the grounds of either client advocacy or moral objection to a specific type of intervention. As applied to nursing, a moral obligation exists for the nurse if the following four criteria are present: The client is at significant risk of harm, loss, or damage if the nurse does not assist; The nurse’s intervention or care is directly relevant to preventing harm; The nurse’s care will probably prevent harm, loss, or damage to the client; The benefit the client will gain outweighs any harm the nurse might incur and does not present more than an acceptable risk to the nurse (ANA, 2006). In the case of the roadside accident, the victims need to be attended to by a healthcare professional. Prompt medical attention by the RN can make a difference between life and death. Moreover, there is no personal risk. Hence there is a moral obligation on the part of the nurse to attend to the vi ctims. Society has come to rely on nursing and to expect that it will rise to the health demands of virtually any occasion. The only problem registered nurses encounter during such roadside interventions is that they may be forced to take decisions beyond those they are qualified for. But then, they can be protected by the Good Samaritan Doctrine which is a legal principle that prevents a rescuer who has voluntarily helped a victim in distress from being successfully sued for ‘wrongdoing.’ The purpose of this doctrine is to prevent people from refusing to help for fear of legal repercussions if they make mistakes in treatment (Neumann, 2005). The practice of the professional nurse extends beyond the confines of the immediate setting where the nurse practices to the broader environment (AU, 2006). According to a survey of many nurses all respondents claimed to have medical assistance and would do so again, but about half of them would not do so unconditionally. However, no respondent has experienced legal complications from providing medical help though they had â€Å"heard† or â€Å"read† of such cases. Thus, it is the moral obligation of a registered nurse to help any accident victim in an emergency situation. Critique of Journal Article: Gebbie, K., Qureshi, K. in the article titled â€Å"A Historical Challenge: Nurses and Emergencies† (September 30, 2006) reviews the beginning of emergency nursing as a specialty. The authors also discuss the 21st century expectations about nursing during unexpected disaster situations and various nursing roles related to emergency care. The article is detailed and has many links to related articles. The article says that both paid and volunteer nurses have played a huge role historically in fighting epidemics, HIV and AIDS. Later, nurses became known for their wartime services. By the middle 20th century, emergency rooms came into being. Today, emergency care has become a nursing specialty. The authors then point to the growth of the International Committee of the Red Cross and the International Rescue Committee. The role of the nurses in local public health emergencies is highlighted. The authors conclude that nurses have been key players during various emergency situations in the past. In the future, any kind of emergency in the community can impact the public’s health and nurses are needed for prevention, surveillance and response of every type. At the end of the 20th century, national thinking about emergency preparedness led to two important developments: identification of the key competencies needed for effective emergency response, and increased attention to planning for and practicing emergency response. The authors point out that it was necessary for nursing to identify the core abilities needed to become a part of an emergency response team and perform well. Therefore the UG nursing curriculum was adapted by the International Nursing Coalition for Mass Casualty Education (INCMCE) to assure communities that their professional nurses were competent to respond when needed. The article includes tables that list the competencies for public health workers, and the currently available emergency response competency sets applicable to nursing and the sources from which these data can be accessed in their entirety. Today, it has been recognized that there needs to be an inter-agency, interdisciplinary response, and that nearly all emergencies have potential health consequences. The authors conclude that nurses will continue to be key players in the local and national level emergency response as we move through the 21st century and that the fundamental goal of nursing, to assist individuals to their highest possible level of functioning in the face of health and illness challenges, is never more needed than under emergency conditions. The article is written in chronological sequence and is highly informative. The authors discuss present day trends in detail in the context of the terrorists attack on the World Trade Center and Hurricane Katrina. The included tables and references prove to be very useful in understanding the competency sets needed for emergency responses. This article underlines the need for competency in emergency response. This means nurses should be given better basic and continuing education and should be trained to meet such emergency situations through hospitals, public health centers, and community drills. Bibliography: Internet Sources: U.S. Department of Labor. Bureau of Labor Statistics: Registered Nurses. Occupational Handbook. AU (2006). School of Nursing: Our Philosophy. Williams, Robyn (2003). ABC Radio National Broadcast: The Ethics of Nursing in the Third Reich. Adelaide Institute. Print and Journal Sources: Gebbie, K., Qureshi, K. (September 30, 2006) â€Å"A Historical Challenge: Nurses and Emergencies†OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing. Vol. #11 No. #3, Manuscript 1. Available: ANA (1994). Ethics and Human Rights Position Statements. Risk versus Responsibility in Providing Nursing Care. ANA (2005). Code of Ethics for Nurses with Interpretive Statements. The Center for Ethics and Human Rights. Neumann, Karl (2005). Are you a Good Samaritan. News Share. Nov/Dec 2005.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

History 101 Constitution Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

History 101 Constitution Assignment - Essay Example Before the approval and implementation of the new US Constitution, the existing 13 member colonies used the Articles of Confederation established and ratified in 1787, by Second Continental Congress as a guide in governing the union (Bederman 89). The national government that operated under the Articles of Confederation proved too weak and therefore could not effectively handle and regulate the numerous conflicts emerging between the states. Therefore, some of the leaders proposed for a new instrument of government to replace the weak one. Due to the emergent weaknesses, the purpose of the Philadelphia Convention was to rectify the weaknesses witnessed in the Articles that had existed even before the conclusion of the American Revolutionary War. Even though the aim of the Convention was to rectify the Articles, some of the leaders in attendance, Alexander Hamilton and James Madison, coming from New York and Virginia respectively, intended to create a new government rather than rectify the existing one (Whittington 119). The two leaders came together and vigorously campaigned for the new Constitution. According to them, improved stability of the Union government was necessary in order to protect commerce and property. Being federalist, they vigorously campaigned for a very powerful central government with a large republic to control factions. According to Hamilton, the common people are ignorant and thus, incapable of rul ing themselves (Education Portal 1). Therefore, he asserted that the only people to rule should be the elites. Consequently, since the common people cannot rule, Hamilton proposed of unequal voting qualifications between the elites and common people. Thus, elites need to be accorded higher voting qualifications compared to the common people. However, Thomason Jefferson championed for states? rights as well as the trueness of democratic principles. Unlike Hamilton and his group, Jefferson believed in the capacity of the common man to rule or self-govern (Education Portal 1). Due to this, he supported lowering of voting qualifications of the elite in order to march those of the elite in society. It is therefore true that some leaders wanted a new system of government in order to address several issues related to governing. 2.Using citations from the Constitution, identify and explain the structure and function of the three Branches of government. Is this more in line with â€Å"Hamil tonian† or â€Å"Jeffersonian† political philosophy? The American Constitution is considered the oldest constitution in the world, and which exists in the contemporary world. Since its adoption and inception on September 17, 1787, it has guided and created governmental institutions within America as well as contributed to the political stability, economic freedom, social progress, and individual freedom in USA for over 200 years (Amar 70). It forms the main instrument of the U.S government as well as the supreme law within America. Its simplicity and flexibility has made it a model for other constitutions in the world. Constitution was established in the 18 century to guide 4 million people. However, after undergoing 27 amendments, the constitution currently serves over 260 million people in 50 different states within the U.S. Since the U.S Constitution forms the central instrument of the government, it provides direction on how the country is governed. It outlines the structure and functions of the three branches of the U.S Government; The Executive Branch; The Judicial

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

The Last Samurai -comparing and contrast between Nathan and I Essay

The Last Samurai -comparing and contrast between Nathan and I - Essay Example Captain Algren is called upon by the Japanese Emperor’s to train a conscripted Japanese army. This army was to quell Samurai warriors who are battling to protect their long held cultural traditions, including the western modernization of their nation. Captain Algren was captured during the battle and detained by the Samurai warriors. During his days in remand, he slowly understands and appreciates what the warriors were defending. Algren himself changes and gets assimilated into the Samurai tradition. He becomes one of the Samurai warriors, and he offers to fight against well-trained Japanese government troops alongside other courageous Samurai warriors. This paper thematically relates the life and cultural changes Algren experienced in Japan, with the cultural changes I experienced when I moved from Liberia to America. The journey of Algren, essentially, gives people an insight of the level in which the eastern nations value their traditional cultural beliefs and practices. They are proud to show that their old cultures are not old and boring, irrelevant and out-of-date (Zwick & Ed 17). The Samurais are part of the old Japanese tradition and it is their duty to defend their culture against any external threat. Katsumoto realized the need to protect Japan from a tide of western modernization that was slowly sweeping their country. Algren believes the ways of the Samurais will always be respected attributes and necessary (Zwick & Ed 18). Samurais deserve honor in everything they do: They are cable of conversing with foreigners in English, and engaging in a battle with trained army troops. Their identity and moral codes would be lost if they did not defend it. The main theme of the movie is whether to forget about the past cultural beliefs and embrace the future, or to stick to the old traditions (Zw ick & Ed 26). Cultural assimilation is one of the factors that significantly affect most people who move to settle in foreign lands. Every country and

Monday, August 26, 2019

France Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

France - Essay Example I also carried out research from a number of other relevant sources on print and the Internet. The research was a novel idea since I was able to have a buildup of basic information before deciding on the sites, places, and any festival to visit based on research from the materials. For a country with a population estimate of sixty-six million and 643,801 square kilometers in size, France is slightly less than Texas in size. The local people call it a hexagon with the hexagon being the country's symbol, due to its shape (Whittaker 6). However, the country boasts of mixed geographical features. In this case, part of the country’s terrain is mountainous or mountainous terrain with a coastline with other parts having gently rolling hills or flat plains as terrain (CIA). As a result, the terrain makes for a picturesque scene to anybody who loves adventure. Nonetheless, the scenery would not be pleasing in case of unaccommodating climatic conditions. In effect, the country’s climatic conditions vary from one region to the other. However, climatic conditions in France are a blend of cool winters and mild summers. Some parts experience tropical and humid conditions, tropical and marine climatic conditions, and other parts in the country experience hot and rainy conditions (CIA). These climatic conditions are in different periods of the year and in different locations. In effect, this makes the country offer tourists the best climatic conditions during their visits. Politically, France is a blend of the parliamentary and presidential systems of governance and Paris is the country's administrative capital. During the middle ages, the French and the English were rivals with the latter occupying France during the infamous hundred years’ war. However, the rivalry eased over time with the two nations engaging each other to play an influential role in the modern society. In this regard, France is a member of NATO and a permanent member to the UN Security Council (CIA). Economically, the country is in the middle of the euro zone crisis although the country’s GDP in 2011 was $2.246 trillion, which made it the tenth biggest in terms of GDP (CIA). With a blend of all religions of the world, a majority of the people in France are predominantly Christians. Conversely, French is the official language although there are various dialects of the language. The language is the dictate upon which the French culture is built (Whittaker 5). On the othe r hand, each region in the country embodies its own cultural path based on its history. For example, the north and northeastern regions of the country are widely known for their ancient and medieval architecture. These regions encompass Nord-Pas-de-Calais and Picardy regions. Among the cultural icons from these regions are Charles de Gaulle, Christian Dior, and Claude Monet (Whittaker 10). For Paris, the city is a depiction of iconic landmarks and grand designs that have an attachment to the culture of the French people. These designs and landmarks are internationally renowned with each providing visitors with a lasting impression of the city. One such landmark is the famous Eiffel Tower (see Fig. 1), which is one of the wonders of the contemporary world

Sales Force Decision Sequence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Sales Force Decision Sequence - Essay Example The sales force decision making starts at the level 1 which are taken by the top management whereas the level 2 & 3 are taken at the mid level and bottom level. The ‘corporate strategy’ and ‘go to market strategy’ are taken at the level 1 by the top management. These level 1 decisions are not under the control of the sales force whereas the level 2 & 3 are controlled by the actual sales force. The level 2 and 3 decisions will be taken by the sales force as per the needs of the level 1 decision. Customer retention and attraction process, size and structure and product & market resource development decisions are taken at the level 2 whereas compensation, hiring, training, sales manager, productivity enhancement decision taken at the level 3’ (Zoltners) Each level of decision making is interconnected with each other. The actual implementation part of the strategies made at level 1 is taking place level 2 and 3. At level 1, the top management will take the decisions about which markets needed to be exploited and when the product needed to be introduced into the market etc. At level 2, the decision would be more realistic and it will be based on the production capacity of the organization and the actual size and structure of the market. Customers are of two types; existing and new. The existing customers needed to be retained whereas new customers needed to be attracted in order to market a product successfully. At level 2 such strategies will be formulated. Level 3 decisions are the last level of decisions before the product actually introduced into the market. At this level the actual sales force required for the implementation of the sales strategies formulated at level 1 and 2, would be appointed. Sales managers, Executives Representatives, Assistants etc all hired and trained at level 3.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Strategic Dissection of Blackberry Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Strategic Dissection of Blackberry - Assignment Example The management after analyzing hidden demand of the market decided to design software which would enable users of Blackberry Smartphone to gain access of wide array of advanced technology based applications. When the phone was launched in the initials stage it attracted huge percentage of profit margins. However with changing scenario of business environment Blackberry witnessed fluctuating consumer demand. On a broader context, it can be stated that there was a need for strategic change in its business operations. This organization possesses competitive advantage in the form of its innovative ideas to provide wireless solutions to target market. In the present scenario there are certain strategic objectives being implemented by the company such as making strategic development period much shorter, ensuring direct and simple communication, and drawing a clear distinction between aspirations and commitments (Blackberry, 2013). Product oriented approach is the major strategy of the comp any. This form of strategy even includes customer, technology, market and products. Long term version of consumer understanding is not facilitated in the company as the focus is on mitigating present consumer demand. Functional, business and corporate level strategies are incorporated by every organization so as to gain a competitive position in the industry. Blackberry always has followed product oriented strategy since its main aim was to convey product benefits across the globe. There are certain strategic changes being made at all levels in order to sustain its business operations. Corporate level strategy of Blackberry is to compete effectively in global and national markets. The company desires to acquire the maximum market share in coming years. Business strategy of the company denotes the market diversification strategy implemented by

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Personal Cultural Identity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Personal Cultural Identity - Essay Example My grandfather David is a German who served as an officer in the U.S. Army during the Second World War. Two years before the war broke out he was teaching economics at a Southern Germany university when his wife died while giving birth to my Uncle Ferdinand. Before the year was over, he left with my baby uncle for England to take up further studies, and they were at Oxford staying with his English wife's family when the war broke out. Like most Germans, he was looked at with suspicion, but because his wife's family trusted him, he was accepted into English society and soon after was taken in as a volunteer by the British Army and assigned to work with the U.S. Army after D-Day. He must have done a good job, because after the war his Army superior invited him over to work and live in America, and he accepted. My then young uncle followed him over. They eventually settled in Eugene, Oregon where my grandfather married a young and energetic woman from northern Spain who was studying there and, together, they raised a family, a rather big one. Back then, people loved having big families, and my grandparents were no exception. They had ten children and my father was the eighth, born in 1955. My father studied engineering in college and to celebrate his graduation with honors in 1976, he and his friends went to France for a one-month vacation. It was while they were getting drunk in Paris that he met my mom, a French accountant who was also celebrating her new university degree. To cut the long story short, they got married a year later and decided to settle down in a little quiet corner of Eugene, Oregon, a place my mother loved as soon as she saw it. I was born there in 1981, the youngest of three. However, we never stayed in one place for long because my father kept on getting promoted and moved, so we went all over the U.S., but since my father came from a large family, it was not unusual for us to find relatives and friends wherever we went. This helped me and my siblings to learn the art of making friends, and it also made us daring to try new things and go to new places. When the time came for me to go to university, I decided to study in Spain. My brother went to a German university, while my sister studied in France, so I wanted to connect to our roots by going to Spain. For some years, my siblings and I were all studying in Europe at the same time, and we would meet each other anywhere for lunch or dinner. On several occasions, my father would bring my mother over and we would have a great feast. What am I Some weeks ago, I had a long conversation with my Uncle Ferdinand as he visited me from London, where he teaches music (he used to be a concert pianist with an American symphony orchestra) and I asked him this question. I knew what his answer would be: "You are as American as all the Americans are. America is a land of immigrants, and even as I was born in Munich, grew up in Oxford and Eugene, my roots are in America, where your grandfather died and where your father was born. Your grandparents were German and Spanish, your dad American and your mom French, which makes you a perfect American" (Interview, 2007). My siblings and I have always felt this way even though we often entertained slight doubts about what we are. Impact on My Role as Teacher There are many advantages in knowing how to speak four languages (English, Spanish, German, and

Friday, August 23, 2019

Literary analysis focusing one analysis discussed in class in relation Essay

Literary analysis focusing one analysis discussed in class in relation to a selected short story - Essay Example Because of his dashed dreams of chivalry, he realizes what reality mean everyday for working-class and poor families. â€Å"Araby† depicts that the innocence of childhood is a short-lived illusion because adults know that reality is full of falsehood and broken dreams. The images and irony in the story convey the difference between reality and delusions that children eventually learn to differentiate as they mature. The boy conjures images and feelings to exhibit his love for Mangan’s sister, but these emotive representations expose his inexperience with love: â€Å"†¦her name was like a summons to all my foolish blood† (Joyce). Summons pertains to a call made by the authority. The boy thinks that his beloved has become the authority of his being, when he knows that this love is an unrequited one, thereby most likely resulting to a disaster. As a child, however, he does not think of these consequences. Nevertheless, dramatic irony occurs when the boy feels t hat he has matured because of this love, when in reality, the effects of his love prove his immaturity: â€Å"I had hardly any patience with the serious work of life which, now that it stood between me and my desire, seemed to me child's play, ugly monotonous child's play† (Joyce). ... y†: James Joyce and Irish Orientalism,† Bongiovanni argues that the fascination for the Orient in the story signifies the need of the Irish to be distracted from â€Å"oppression by the English, but also from the rigid control of the Catholic Church† (26). The boy and his family are Irish but they are interested in Oriental literature. For instance, his uncle knows The Arab's Farewell to his Steed. This is an example of the need of the Irish to escape the social and religious controls of their lives. While boys are dealing with puppy love, adults struggle with something more deeply immobilizing- their loss of freedoms and autonomy. Aside from these images and irony, the unoccupied house stands for the seer, the moral code of Christianity that looks over and judges its believers. Snart, in â€Å"Detached and Empty: Subtexts of the Unoccupied House in James Joyce's â€Å"Araby,†Ã¢â‚¬  asserts that the detached house is not the boy and his emptiness. Instead, the house represents the â€Å"self-scrutinizing gaze of his Catholic surroundings† (91). The boy feels the same gaze, but not in the adult sense. As a child, he looks inward in a different way, where he internalizes his admiration for an older girl. But as soon as reality hits him, he discovers a painful truth about life: it is not always what people would want it to be, and most of the time, it turns out for the worst. When the salesgirl talks about a â€Å"fib† and looks at the boy, Papi underlines that the child’s fantasy does not conform to the truth (4). In other words, the boy’s chivalrous feeling of bringing something nice for his love foreshadows a mournful disappointment. He sets his expectations too high, and in the end, he fails not only his crush, but most of all, himself: â€Å"I saw myself as a creature

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Arthur Conan Doyle Essay Example for Free

Arthur Conan Doyle Essay The stories of Sherlock Holmes are typical of the detective genre and the characters remain popular; they are also useful social, historical documents. Explain why you think this is so, referring to 3 of the stories you have read. Sherlock Holmes is a fictional detective of the late 19 and early 20 centuries, who first appeared in newspaper in 1887. Hes created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Holmes is famous for his intelligent study to solve difficult crime cases. He is one of the best known and most generally recognizable characters in detective genre. Conan Doyle wrote 56 short stories that featured Holmes, that are narrated by Holmes friend and biographer, Dr John Watson. Most of the stories first appeared in the magazine called Strand. The three stories that I read are The Red-headed League, The Speckle band and The final Problem. A brief outline of the first story, The Red-headed League Is about VS planning to rob the bank and Its not long when holmes and JW investigate and catch VS in the act. The Speckled Band is about a stepfather, Dr Roylott, who wants to have his step daughters inheritance. He finds out she is going to wed, but if she does, this mean he will get less money. He therefore decides to kill her and does this with a speckled band, a breed of snake. In The Final Problem, we meet Professor Moriarty who is Holmes old enemy, he is a criminal genius. Sherlock Holmes, Dr Watson and P. Moriarty travel to Switzerland, and there Holmes gets pushed off a cliff and dies. The crime always takes place in a rich and middle class areas. They often use strange and curious settings in the crime places, strange objects at that time used to excite people. All the stories open in the same way, with Dr Watson telling us the story from the beginning. We only get to Dr Watsons view, because its Watsons voice that narrates the stories. The two main characters are Dr Watson and Sherlock Holmes. Dr Watson is inspired by Holmes. Watson tries to solve the crime in the Red-Headed league, He Trys to figure out Jabez Wilsons personality. In The Empty house he had to solve the crime because Holmes wasnt there because he had died in the previous story. In the majority of the stories he is portrayed as a person who shows a great passion for crime along with Holmes. Holmes Watson work together as a good team because Watson is inspired by what Holmes does, thats why Watson always describes Holmes as a very nice an intelligent person, and Holmes likes Watson because he writes everything down. Although, intellectually he can not compete and always seems to become second best; Holmes, I cried, I seem to see dimly what you are hinting At. We are only just in time to prevent some subtle and horrible Crime. (The adventure of the speckled band) The two also differ in other ways for example, although Holmes is intellectually gifted he lacks the contacts of friends, this shows him as a loner.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Click Film Review Essay Example for Free

Click Film Review Essay Click film review What if you had a universal remote control that remote controlled your universe? Click follows the story of Michael Newman (Adam Sandler), an architect whose long hours and unkind boss (David Hasslehoff) have driven him to a near breakdown. Whist watching TV, he longs for a universal remote to control everything and he finds exactly that in department store ‘bed, bath and beyond’. He soon realises that ‘everything’ is not as it seems as he mutes a barking dog and pauses his wife in mid sentence. When Michael realises can do anything he wants, he fast-forwards an entire argument with his wife and skips a scene to his all-important promotion. But the remote soon becomes damaged by all this fast-forwarding and starts to skip Michael through his life. However I longed for a similar remote to skip to the end of the film! The truth is click can’t decide whether it’s a sentimental tale or a string of hilarious gags. The film certainly is sentimental, but most of the jokes aren’t very funny. For example when a female jogger runs by and Michael uses slow-mo. Or the time when Michael pauses his boss to fart in his face. The film tends to drag on and can get quite boring at times. However, if you look beyond the bad jokes you will find some decent comedy but unfortunately bad jokes are the majority. Comedy aside though, Click will have you in tears. I can’t reveal any more about the plot but I can tell you jokes or no jokes, you will be crying by the end. The film carries a very important message: family comes first. I feel there was no clear line between comedy and sentimentality and for this reason I did not enjoy the film and would rate it 6/10. Sam Marroncelli 7EY

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Politics and government

Politics and government ‘Politics is synonymous with government and government alone. Discuss. Political analysts have long since been obsessed with the analysis of government in order to understand politics and even that government is politics. Hay admits, â€Å"political science is the rigorous and dispassionate science of government.† (Hay, 2005) I believe that although there is obviously a strong connection between politics and government they have been pushed far too close together in their understanding, to the extent that some declare them as one and the same, or synonymous. As Leftwich and Held put it, â€Å"By focusing on governmental institutions, the discipline of Politics marginalizes and provides little basis for understanding the very stuff of politics, that is, those deep-rooted problems that actually face us all daily as citizens.† (Leftwich and Held, 1984) There are an enormous number of definitions and variations on those definitions for the terms ‘politics and ‘government. Depending on which are taken there can be arguments for and against politics being synonymous with government. For example Leftwich says that politics can be seen as, â€Å"the process of governing† (Leftwich, 2004) and Heywood says, â€Å"It is possible to have governance without government.† (Heywood, 2000) In light of this I feel it is necessary to start the discussion by pinning down a relevant definition for both terms and investigating how these terms interact with each other. Following with a look at how politics can exist in the public and private spheres as well as within civil society whereas government is confined to the public sphere and banished from civil society. I shall then turn my attention to the claim that politics is synonymous with government ‘alone. I will explore the idea that a government can exist without po litics, that politics can exist outside the reach of a government and even that politics is the seed from which government grows. From here I will move on to analyse the use of the word ‘synonymous in the given statement. I will argue that to pronounce politics as synonymous with government, which is to say it is interchangeable or even one and the same as government, is to use the wrong terminology. I will use the global issue of the environment to support why the word synonymous is inappropriate and suggest more appropriate language to describe the relationship between the two concepts. In order to analyse the connection between politics and government it is first vital to have an agreed definition of both concepts. Starting with the concept of government Crick offers us a broad definition, â€Å"Government The organization of a group of men in a given community for survival.† (Crick, 2005) We find a more explicit definition from Heywood, â€Å"Government is commonly understood to refer to the formal and institutional processes which operate at the national level to maintain order and facilitate collective action. The core functions of government are thus to make law (legislation), implement law (execution) and interpret law (adjudication).† (Heywood, 2000) From this we can take that there are some central elements that a government requires such as, a governing body; some source of income (taxation); a currency, i.e. a treasury and banking system; courts and a legal system to see that the laws are applied; a method of enforcing laws (police); and a m ilitary force to defend the interests of the government. If we apply these fundamental criteria of ‘government to ‘politics we can see that none of them are crucial for the existence of politics, therefore ‘politics cannot be synonymous with, or one and the same as, ‘government. Following on from this the question arises, if politics doesnt need these criteria to exist then what does it encompass? In its broadest sense Heywood describes politics as, â€Å"The activity through which people make, preserve and amend the general rules under which they live.† (Heywood, 2005) Hay (2005) gives a list, albeit non-exhaustive by his own admission, of twelve different ‘senses of the term politics. He notes that some of these define politics as narrow and some as broad; he also draws a distinction between politics as a function, process or arena. I will look at four of these definitions and apply them to the relationship between government and politics. In the first sense politics is seen as â€Å"Any and all social interaction occurring within the sphere of government.† (Hay, 2005) This is a very narrow definition and defines politics independently of content and only as the arena in which it occurs; in this sense politics and government are indeed synonymous. This has been a popular way of defining politics as it had, â€Å"the appeal of identifying unambiguously a set of political issues and a set of non-political issues.† (Hay, 2005) It also helped in defining political science as a, â€Å"field of scientific inquiry† (Hay, 2005) However ‘arena definitions of politics have become unpopular as they fail to acknowledge political issues that have yet to register on legislative agendas, Hay gives the example of, â€Å"the feminist concern with the patriarchal character of the nuclear family.† Hay, 2005) The fourth sense is, â€Å"Politics as the noble art of preserving a community of citizens (the ‘republic) through the construction, pursuit and defence of the common or public interest.† (Hay, 2005) and is an example of politics as a function in which it specifically ensures, â€Å"The common or collective interest of the community.† (Hay, 2005) It could also be said for this definition of politics that it is also narrow but again provides a close synonymity with government. The third sense provides us with a view of politics as a process, â€Å"Politics as a public and formal set of processes and rituals through which the citizens of a state may participate, often at arms lengt h, in the process of government.† (Hay, 2005) Yet again this is a narrow explanation of politics and once more runs, more or less, parallel with the idea of government. It is towards the broader end of Hays list where we finally find sufficiently broad in context, but narrow in content, definitions of politics which allow a presentation of the disparity between politics and government. â€Å"The ‘Political as an adjective to describe the motivations of participants and non-participants in a range of both formal and informal, public and private, processes where such motivations are political to the extent to which they reflect or express a view as to the legitimacy of the process.† (Hay, 2007) This brings to light how politics can exist in both the public and private spheres whereas government can only be located in the public sphere. Mnookin differentiates between what encompasses each sphere, â€Å"Activities that are presumptively outside the legitimate bounds of government coercion and regulation (the private sphere) and those where government has a legitimate role (the public sphere).† (Mnookin, 1982) And then as Hay and Marsh note when defining politics as a process, â€Å"‘The political may occur in any institutional and social environment, however mundane, however parochial.† (Hay and Marsh, 1999) This then touches on another area in which politics exists and government does not, civil society. Civil society is made up of civic and social organizations and institutions, Grugel cites Walzer as defining civil society as referring, â€Å"to the space between the individual and the state.† (Grugel, 2002) and furthers this by adding, â€Å"Civil society is crucial for democracy because it is the space between the public and private spheres where civic action takes place.† (Grugel, 2002) The main role of civil society is to hold the state, or government, accountable and to promote individual interest which may be seen as apolitical, pre-political or just totally overlooked by the state. Here we find our first indication that although intrinsically linked politics and government are also very much separate. Perhaps it can be said that if not synonymous with government politics could be synonymous with something else. The most likely candidate may well be that of power, which can be broadly defined as, â€Å"The ability to achieve a desired outcome.† (Heywood, 2000) This, it could be said, is the end goal of politics, as Leftwich and Held say, â€Å"politics is about power; about the forces which influence and reflect its distribution and use; and about the effect of this on resource use and distribution; it is about the ‘transformative capacity of social agents, agencies and institutions: it is not about Government or government alone.† (Leftwich and Held, 1984) If we look now at how politics can exist exclusively of government we first turn to Heywoods fourth notion of politics in which â€Å"politics is about power: the ability to achieve a desired outcome, through whatever means.† (Heywood, 2005) From this we can identify that there are certain activities in the world that can lend themselves to the debate on the relationship between government and politics. On the contemporary world stage, especially since the terror attacks in 2001 and 2005 in the U.S, and U.K. respectively, there has been a great focus on terrorism and its related activities. Terrorism can be identified as a political tactic and in recent times has become a tool used by political groups all over the world. Many acts of terrorism have a political purpose, for example the attacks on the World Trade Centre in both 1993 and 2001 were political attacks on the part of the terrorist organization al-Qaeda. This has particular relevance to the relationship between politi cs and government as al-Qaeda openly have a political agenda yet crucially are not connected to any government. This would indicate that politics and political activity can, and do, exist outside of government. Consequently if politics exists separately outside of government then logically it cannot be synonymous with government. There can also be evidence for the existence of government without politics. As Crick writes, Aristotle believes that when a polis, which can be defined in modern terms as a community, becomes unified it ceases to be a political community. Crick supports this by stating, â€Å"Politics arises from accepting the fact of the simultaneous existence of different groups, hence different interests and different traditions.† (Crick, 2005) If we scan for a ‘unified community that has a ‘government we can find examples in dictatorships; a dictator makes the decisions and everyone else ‘agrees or is made to ‘agree. As U.S. General George Patton once said, â€Å"When everyone agrees, someone is not thinking.† So in a dictatorship there is no politics, as there is no need for conciliation between groups, but a government does exist. This adds more evidence to the case that politics is not synonymous with government otherwise politics would have to exist with in a dictatorship where it simply does not. So if it cannot be said that politics is totally synonymous with government yet there is clearly a high degree of interconnectedness between them, what is the best way to conceptualise their relationship? I suggest that the connection they share is that of ‘logical progression. We have seen, with the example of terrorism, how politics can exist without government, we have also seen how government can exist without politics using dictatorships as an example and we can take it as read that they can exist together given the numerous examples worldwide such as the U.K. or U.S. It is this cohabitation though that I will use to show that the term synonymous is an inaccurate way to describe the relationship between politics and government. In most, if not all, cases of politics and government existing in the same state or community, it seems that politics came first and laid the seeds for government to follow and not vice versa . I will take the issues of the environment to look close r at this claim. The heavily amplified focus on all things environmental e.g. carbon footprints and global warming, over the past few years has been clear for everyone to see. One of the interesting things this has thrown into the political arena is global communities lobbying around political issues and the resulting effects on governance around the world. Some, including Clark et al (1998), say that a global civil society is slowly emerging through the increasing size, diversity and networking of international non-governmental Organizations (NGOs) â€Å"We do find evidence that the construction of a global society is under way but is far from complete.† (Clark et al (1998). The most recent boom of environmental lobbying, it can be said, has come about due to the effects of globalization, as Eigen states, â€Å"Thinking in historic dimensions, civil society is a fairly new force on the global landscape.† (Eigen, 1998) Issues that were previously thought of as local are becoming far more easily identifiable as spanning regions, countries and even the globe. The size, cause and effect of these environmental issues is also far more transparent than ever before, this has come through the increase in technologies, not least the internet, and their power to shrink the world. More people can interact with a larger number of people and have more access to a greater amount of information than ever before. Now that small groups of people can be members of political communities or NGOs that span countries, continents and the globe, there became a requirement for some sort of increased governance above the state in reaction to the pressure of the lobbyists. O ne of the main organizations to deal with international governance is the United Nations (U.N.) and so it is them who have been at much of the forefront of interaction with, and the progression of, international NGOs. Along with governmental changes at the international level, such as, â€Å"New rules facilitating NGO access and participation [at U.N. conferences]† (Clark et al 1998) international NGOs have affected changes at a domestic level also. In October 2008 the U.K. government created a new department entitled ‘The Department of Energy and Climate Change in order to address the energy and environmental issues being raised by the global community. One of their three overall objectives is to, â€Å"achieve an international agreement on climate change at Copenhagen in December 2009.† This refers to the U.N. Copenhagen Climate Conference at which world leaders will gather to discuss and, hopefully, come to some decisions on the actions that can realistically be taken to combat global climate change. This shows that international NGOs and international communities have caused a rise in the level of governance and government activity on the domestic and world stage. Thus an increase in ‘politics has led to the growing and even emergence of ‘government activity. This supports the theory that politics comes before, or at least progresses, government when they co-exist in a community. Government is the logical progression of politics. As I have tried to show it can be claimed that politics is synonymous with government, but only if particular definitions are used, definitions that many would argue to be out of date and largely unattached to the contemporary way of thinking about real world politics. After this I very briefly touched on the concept of power and how it is possibly a more suitable candidate to be described as synonymous with politics. I have also demonstrated how politics can exist separately to government using the example of terrorism and specifically the terrorist group al-Qaeda. Along side this I explained how, in certain situations such as dictatorships, government can be present without politics by its side. This was followed closely by a look at how the term synonymous fails to wholly capture the type of relationship that exists between the concepts of government and politics. There was then a suggestion of an alternative term, ‘logical progression, which attempts to unravel the complica ted links between politics and government. I think it would be detrimental to politics to couple it so closely with government that they become all but interchangeable terms. This is not a slight on all things governmental but rather recognition that the disillusioned public can only become more disenchanted and cynical towards politics if a clear distinction is not made between it and the seemingly ever more ‘untrustworthy and ‘elite world of ‘The Government. Bibliography Clark, A.M. et al (1998) The Sovereign Limits of Global Civil Society: A Comparison of NGO Participation in UN World Conferences on the Environment, Human Rights, and Women, World Politics, Vol. 51, No. 1, 1-35. Crick, B. (2005) In Defence of Politics (Fifth Edition), Continuum. Department of Energy and Climate Change (2008) About Us [online] Available: [accessed 14 November 2009] Eigen, P. (1998) The Role of Civil Society, in UNDP, Corruption and Integrity Improvement Initiatives in Developing Countries, 83-89. Gamble, A. (1990) Theories of British Politics, Political Studies, Vol. 38, 404-420. Gibbs, J. (1989) Conceptualization of Terrorism, American Sociological Review, Vol. 54, No. 3, 329-340. Grugel, J. (2002) Democratization: A Critical Introduction, Palgrave Macmillan. Hay, C. (2002) Political analysis: A Critical Introduction, Palgrave. Hay, C. (2007) Politics, Participation and Politicization, Why We Hate Politics, 61-85, 165-166, Polity Press. Hay, C. and Marsh, D. (1999) Introduction: Towards a new (international) political economy? New Political Economy, Vol. 4, No. 1, 5 22. Heywood, A. (2000) Key Concepts in Politics, Palgrave Macmillan. Leftwich, A (2004) Thinking Politically: On the Politics of Politics, What is politics? : The activity and its study, 1-22, Polity Press. Leftwich, A. and Held, D. (1984) A discipline of politics? What is Politics?: the Activity and its Study, 139-159, W. Heffer Sons. Mnookin, R. (1982) The Public/Private Dichotomy: Political Disagreement and Academic Repudiation, University of Pennsylvania Law Review, Vol. 130, No. 6, 1429-1440. Saurin, J. (1996) International relations, social ecology and the globalisation of environmental change, The environment and international relations, Vogler, J. Imber, M. (eds.), 77-98, Routledge Steinberger, P. (1999) Public and Private, Political Studies, Vol. 47, 292-313. von Bà ¼low, M. (2009) World leaders: Legally binding treaty out of reach in Copenhagen [online] Available: [accessed 16 November 2009] von Bà ¼low, M. (2009) The essentials in Copenhagen [online] Available: [accessed 16 November 2009]

Monday, August 19, 2019

Raney :: Essays Papers

Raney In my opinion, I did not like this book. I do not like books, which involve racist notions. How could she be so narrow-minded? Her parents taught her everything when it came to treating people who were different as different, and she could not manage to ignore their advice. She was a very racist woman, which caused a conflict between her and her husband, whose best friend was a black man named Johnny Dobbs. Raney believed that if her mother could be racist that she could be too. This caused conflict with Charles because she believed she could eaves drop on Charles’s phone conservations through the heating vent in the bedroom. Charles and Raney had very different beliefs and that is why they have trouble getting along with each other sometimes. Raney comes from a family who has strong family and religious ties. Charles is not a serious church attendant, and his family is very spread out across the nation, preventing him from seeing them on a regular basis. Charles is a highly educated man, whereas Raney has only a High School degree. The only things that they have in common are that they both have respect for each other and they both like music. This is not a very strong basis for a relationship between two people who are supposed to be in love. In the beginning, Raney is a mama’s girl who wants to do everything that her mother did when she was young. On the honeymoon she was upset with Charles because he didn’t do exactly what he was supposed to do, which means that he did not do exactly what Raney’s father did on his honeymoon. On his honeymoon, he just stood there in his Fruit of a Loom underwear drinking champagne out of a plastic cup. She was probably told how the honeymoon went from her mother. One of the biggest conflicts the couple had was the fact that Raney was very racist and Charles best friend was black. Charles was upset because he did not agree with Raney’s feelings towards Mr. Dobbs. This is another thing that Raney was taught by her parents to be racist. At one point, it appears that Raney is getting over her racist views when Johnny Dobbs is named the godfather of her child. The only thing that keeps it the same way, racist, is that he still stays at the Ramada Inn.

Analysis of Newjack: Guarding Sing Sing Essay -- Ted Conover Prisons S

Analysis of Newjack: Guarding Sing Sing Unable to get official permission to interview and write about correctional officers, Ted Conover, author of the book Newjack: Guarding Sing Sing, â€Å"got in" by applying for a correctional officer position. After training, he and his fellow rookies, known as "newjacks," were randomly assigned to Sing Sing, one of the country's most famous -- and infamous -- prisons. Sing Sing, a maximum-security male prison, was built in 1828 by prisoners themselves, kept at their task by frequent use of the whip. Today, the chaos, the backbiting, the rundown building and equipment, the disrespect and the relentless stress that Conover experienced in his year at Sing Sing show, quite well, how the increase of prisons in the U.S. brutalizes more than just the prisoners. Some of the individuals in Conover's entering "class" of corrections trainees had always wanted to work in law enforcement. Others were ex-military, looking for a civilian job that they thought would reward structure and discipline. But most came looking for a steady job with good benefits. To get it, they were desperate enough to commute hours each way, or even to live apart from their families during the work week. Their job consists of long days locking and unlocking cells, moving prisoners to and from various locations while the prisoners beg, hassle and abuse them. Sometimes, the prisoners' requests are simple, but against the rules: an extra shower, some contraband cigarettes. Other times, they are appropriate, but unbelievably complicated: it can take months to get information about property lost in the transfer from one prison to another. Meanwhile, the orders officers give are ignored. Discipline -- even among the officers themselves -- is non-existent. And with the money and benefits of this "good" job come nightmares and family stress, daily uncertainty about one's job and duties, and pent-up frustration that, every so often, explodes in violence -- instigated by staff as w ell as by prisoners. The picture this book paints would no doubt bother corrections professionals in prisons where prisoner-staff relationships and officer solidarity are more developed. In training, Conover is told that "the most important thing you can learn here is to communicate with inmates." And the Sing Sing staff who enjoy the most success and fulfillment i... of their feeling about Sing Sing. After reading Newjack, I clearly appreciate the difficulty, the chaos and the stress of an officers' job. I am less sure how they manage to do it, and I wonder at what cost to their sense of self it has on them. By contrast, with a few well-chosen stories, Conover humanizes individual prisoners: one who has lines from Anne Frank's diary tattooed on his back; a prisoner on the serving line who tries to sneak extra food to his friends; a young, emotionally needy prisoner grasping for attention from anyone, even an officer. As a result, the prisoners are often drawn â€Å"with more humanity† than the staff. I feel that this book gives a rough, inspiring and passionate warning that the rush to imprison offenders hurts the guards as well as the guarded. Conover reminds us that when we treat prisoners like the garbage of society, we are bound to treat prison staff as garbage men -- best out of sight, their own dirt surpassed only by the dirt they handle. Conover says in one part of his book, â€Å"Eventually admitting that being in a position of power and danger brings out a side of myself I don’t like.† I feel both prisoners and officers deserve better.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Analysis of Montana 1948 by Larry Watson Essay -- Montana 1948 Larry W

Analysis of Montana 1948 by Larry Watson In Montana, the summer of 1948 held a series of tragic events which were to have a permanent and decisive impact on David and his parents. This chain of events were to turn David’s young life and that of his family upside down forever and which was to so angrily lead him out of childhood, destroying his innocence and youthful naivety in the process. However, David’s shocking revelations lead to his painful gaining of wisdom. When David’s story begins, we learn that his life is a stable and happy one, and his present family are close and loving. It is this very stability though, combined with the respect in which the much loved and admired Frank is held by both the townspeople and David, that make the events which occur suddenly and with increas...

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Facebook Privacy Restrictions Essay

It is alarming how fast technology is improving. Nowadays, it seems like having a Facebook account is a daily necessity or even a trend. According to a research done by TIMES magazine, more than one in four people who browse the Internet not only have a Facebook account but have returned to the site in the past thirty days. It is truly alarming how much Facebook has expanded. â€Å"Sometime in the next few weeks, Facebook will officially log its 500 millionth active citizen. † (Fletcher, 2010, TIMES, p. 6) Fletcher (2010) also stated that Facebook would be the world’s third largest country by population, which is two- thirds larger than America, if it were granted terra firma. With such a high popularity, an increasing number of Facebook users had raised the issue on privacy – limiting what others can say about you and who can say it. I believe that everyone does have the right to privacy. However, when it comes to sharing information on such a virtual yet convenient media, the Internet, can privacy restrictions really be achieved that easily and securely? In addition, will Facebook take that chance to make a major loss in its business? Devils are in the details. The Facebook’s Terms of Use may not be as fair and protective on their users’ privacy disclosure. As argued by Yoder in his website article â€Å"Top Ten Reasons You Should Quit Facebook†, Facebook not only compels its users to keep updating by threatening to terminate their accounts, it also states that it owns your data. Some may argue that these terms may only be set to defend the interests of Facebook. However, who can protect the interests of the many Facebook users? Being such a broadly used media, is it not the least reasonable to review the ethics policy and start readjusting the privacy settings? On the other hand, Facebook is not the only one to take the blame. The account users may have most likely overlooked the Terms of Use and simply jumped to click on the â€Å"I Agree† button just to start using Facebook as soon as possible. When these users found out that things are not going as they had expected, they start pointing their fingers to others and maybe neglecting their own responsibilities on the faults. Readjusting the privacy settings seems to be the only solution. However, who really has the persistence to fight for the change? How many people are really willing to give up the most widely- used socializing network just to defend a right that may take a considerable time to be protected? This shows successfulness of Facebook’s tactic – allowing a channel for emotional investments of its users and creating a cultural shift, making the public more accustomed to openness. The research done by TIMES magazine founded that over seventy percent of current Facebook users expressed negative feelings when asked how life would be like without Facebook. This may be attributed to Facebook’s development of a formula for the precise number of aha! moments a user must have before he or she is hooked, reported from an interview with the CEO (Fletcher, 2010, TIMES, p. 19). If the users leave Facebook, they might get the oh-no! moment in which they find out how much social updates they had missed. Facebook had been so successful in making itself indispensible. Who would really want to lose the connection? Some may have tried to remove their accounts. However, Yoder (2010) revealed that it is difficult to genuinely delete your account. Facebook will only deactivate your account but you will still be spammed by Facebook. Facebook is not really worried about losing its users because of the uproar on privacy control on its site. Similar protest had been demonstrated before such as the default settings of news feeds on the website which allows the action of a user to be published on the social update wall of their friends. Now, it seems silly to protest against news feeds. Though the nature of the two incidents are not at most similar, Facebook has so little to worry about as it is still operating within the restrictions set by the law. It is a frustrating matter to define the suitable extent of restriction on privacy for data disclosure on the Internet. Protection is undeniably necessary. However, when it comes to security on such a virtual ground, it seems the only one who can protect you is yourself.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Kurt Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse Five

Kurt Vonnegut has written something that has captured the imagination of generations. His novel is entitled â€Å"Slaughterhouse Five.† This novel has put into use what the literary world call as dark comedy, also known as black comedy. Dark comedy is basically a sub-genre of comedy that has satirical elements. This sub-genre typically tackles serious topics like death, war, rape, and the likes with wit and humor. I have selected three scenes of which Kurt Vonnegut displayed his talent in using dark comedy to hook his readers. The first scene that I’ve picked is that where the arguable protagonists Billy Pilgrim and the unlovable fat soldier Roland Weary were captured by enemy troops. Those enemy troops who had captured them were not regulars. They were merely using equipment collected from dead soldiers. When the novel was first read by the public, they could have just thought that this was fiction. Maybe they weren’t aware that this is a reality in war. Equipment from the dead is considered free rations since there will always be shortages in wars. What the author had done here is that with all the dark comedy packed into this novel, he had squeezed in bits of reality. The dark comedy there is that as readers we were caught off guard that we were already laughing at something that is brutally happening in reality. It could also be that the author is in favor of stripping the dead off their possessions since those things would only be beneficial to those who are still alive. The next dark scene that I’ve picked is where the Valencia, the overweight wife of the arguable protagonist Billy Pilgrim, died because of carbon monoxide poisoning. She was already on her way to see his husband. Then the unfortunate happened, or Kurt Vonnegut’s dark comedy made it happen, she died of carbon monoxide poisoning inside her car. The author had constructed the scene as if the death of Valencia didn’t invoke sad emotion at all. Again, I believe that the function of this is to show what is happening in reality. We don’t need statistics to prove that there are countless wives out there who are left by their unfaithful husbands. But then, this dark humor could also be targeted to those who have eating and weight issues. The author may have wanted to show that most overweight bring the problem upon themselves because just like Valencia, they can’t stop eating. This could be the author’s answer to why are there such a number of miserable people in this planet. It is because we cause our own problems. The last dark scene that I have chosen is when the prisoners of war were assigned to the dreadful task of digging up the graves for a lot of dead bodies after the town of Dresden was bombed. It was such an awful sight that one of those who were digging the graves threw up from the bad smell. He threw up so bad that he died. Again, there is no word that can perfectly describe the scene than dark comedy. The author had beautifully used the elements of dark humor, wit and irony. It is such an irony that the ‘dead’ is in a sense free from the toils of being alive and stuck in a war. That scene also shows that people can be pushed to do even the things that they won’t imagine themselves doing. Anyone will succumb when there is a gun pointed to you and your loved one’s. All in all, the author had used dark comedy as a hook that has kept his readers turning the pages. Dark comedy also evokes a certain weird combination of the effects of entertainment and disgust. Work Cited Vonnegut, K. Jr. Vonnegut, J. Slaughterhouse Five. NY: Tandem Classic Books. 1999.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Portfolio A Systematic Collection Education Essay

As instructors we interact, work and program activities for pupils. These activities are geared to develop their acquisition, hence be aftering for pupils progress instructors need to document the development of the kids betterments on a day-to-day footing. To make this a system that is easy to utilize and one that is flexible plenty to account all or most of the activities they participate in, therefore appraisal is an umportant portion of entering advancement. Appraisal is the procedure of happening out what kids can make, what they know and the things they are interested in. appraisal besides involves all methods through which instructors can derive an apprehension of kids ‘s development and acquisition. Assessment is of import because once information is gained, appropriate activities and experiences can be implemented for continued growing in all countries of development. Appraisal comes in many signifiers, and some work better than others. The National Association for the Education of Young Children ( NAEYC ) provides assessment guidelines in its publicationA Developmentally Appropriate Practice in Early Childhood Programs Serving Children From Birth Through Age Eight. In this publication, NAEYC states that: â€Å" Developmental appraisal of kids ‘s advancement and accomplishments is used to accommodate course of study to fit the developmental demands of kids, to pass on with the kid ‘s household, and to measure the plan ‘s effectivity † ( Bredekamp, p. 13 ) . â€Å" Appraisal of single kids ‘s development and acquisition is indispensable for planning and implementing developmentally appropriate plans, but should be used with cautiousness to forestall favoritism against persons and to guarantee truth. Accurate testing can merely be achieved with dependable, valid instruments and such instruments developed for usage with immature kids are highly rare. In the absence of valid instruments, proving is non valuable. Therefore, appraisal of immature kids should trust to a great extent on the consequences of observations and descriptive informations † ( Bredekamp, pp. 12-13 ) . Portfolios Portfolio is a systematic aggregation or sample of kids work, with information associating to each kid ‘s developmental advancement which depicts the pupil activities, achievements, and accomplishments within the educational scene. As explained by Carol Gestwicki in Developmentally Appropriate Practice: Course of study and Development in Early Education, â€Å" Portfolios may incorporate aggregations of representative work of kids that illustrate their advancement and achievementsaˆÂ ¦ † and â€Å" Children are encouraged to add their ain choices of work that they feel show their advancement to the portfolios † ( Gestwicki, p. 304 ) . Portfolio promotes a positive, enthusiastic position is the statement in Janine Batzles ‘s book, A Portfolio Assessment and Evaluation: â€Å" A portfolio should be a jubilation of the kid ‘s alone abilities, accomplishments, and advancement, displayed through reliable samples † ( Batzle, p. 60 ) . There are two major types of portfolios which instructors can utilize which is procedure and merchandise portfolio. The procedure portfolio is used to document each phase of larning which provides a progressive record of pupil ‘s growing. The merchandise portfolio demonstrates command of a learning undertaking or a set of larning aims and contains merely the best work. Teachers use process portfolios to assist pupils place larning ends, papers advancement over clip, and show acquisition command†¦ In general, instructors prefer to utilize procedure portfolios because they are ideal for documenting the phases that pupils go through as they learn and advancement ( Venn, 2000, p. 533 ) . Student ‘s portfolios can take assorted physical signifiers, depending on which 1 is comfy for the instructor and the type of kid attention plan offered. They can be boxes, squeeze box files, booklets, three-ring binders, exposure albums, and or combinations and similar points can be used as receptacles for cogent evidence of advancement. Teachers can hold two containers: one for 3-dimensional samples of the kid ‘s attempts and another for signifiers and planar beginnings of information. Portfolios are an individualised manner in measuring pupils hence each kid should hold their ain portfolio. Portfolios can include many points of each kid ‘s alone involvements, besides pupils demands can be addressed harmonizing to what is included in their portfolio. Teachers can utilize exposures, drawings, colloquial notes, sound and picture recordings and observations. Photographs are taken of kids when they work on undertakings that can non be saved for future mention, like edifice blocks, modeling clay, bead threading where at times they threading harmonizing to pictured forms, and when they build mystifiers without aid. Samples of the kids ‘s work is saved in their portfolios as they are placed each kid advancement, helps the instructor and parents to derive a better apprehension of the pupil strengths and failing depending on the age and development degree of each kid. With this information from the portfolios, instructors are able to be after for future course of study. Some advantages of portfolio appraisal is where instructors can mensurate public presentation based on echt samples of the kids ‘s work, it enables instructors and pupils to portion in the duty for puting learning ends and for measuring their advancement toward run intoing those ends and portfolios can supply a procedure for structuring acquisition in phases. The disadvantages of portfolio appraisal could be hard in garnering all the necessary informations and work samples which therefore makes portfolios bulky and hard to pull off, and besides to develop a systematic and calculated direction system tends to be hard, but this measure is necessary in order to do them a random aggregation of pupils work. Systematic Observation Systematic observations are observations where instructors become really familiar with the involvements, demands, and strengths of all of the kids in their schoolrooms. With this type of observation instructors become cognizant when kids exhibit discernible forms of behavior that indicate they are fighting with larning prior to formal procedure of acquisition, every bit immature as age three ( Lowenthal, 1998 ; Steele, 2004 ) . With a tool to aim their observations, instructors can utilize systematic observation as a speedy and cost-efficient manner to find which kids might be fighting with acquisition and benefit from extra support ( Satz & A ; Fletcher, 1988 ) .A With the usage of systematic observation the instructor observes the whole category hence allow him/her to go cognizant of the pupils needs whereby the instructor can be after suitably. This type of observation agencies that decisions or readings are based on observations of the kid over clip instead than a erstwhile appraisal of a kid ‘s accomplishments and abilities.A Systematic observation is to be done when kids, are playing entirely, in little groups, in big groups, at assorted times of twenty-four hours and in assorted fortunes. Systematic observation must be nonsubjective, selective, unnoticeable, and carefully recorded ( Bertrand and Cebula, 1980 ) . Teachers are to detect the kids interacting with their environment and with others and document what they see. Some instructors use checklists, stock list, evaluation graduated table, anecdotal notes, recordings or other signifiers to enter their observations. This procedure seems to be natural and appropriate for preschool instructors because â€Å" Preschool kids demonstrate growing and larning through activity ( Worthham, 1994, p. 213 ) . The checklist or stock list is entering tools which are used for entering pupil ‘s advancement and this procedure is easier for instructors to work with. Checklist or stock list are to be based on instructional aims and the development associated with the acquisition of the accomplishments being monitored, thereby these observations should be based on regular activities, non on specially designed or contrived activities. These tools can besides include infinites for brief remarks, which provide extra information non captured in the checklist. Rating Scale is used to assist instructors and parents gather and portion information about immature kids with specific attending to features that might be early marks of larning disablements. The evaluation graduated table besides allows instructors and parents to reflect consistently on their concerns and helps them acknowledge if the kid would profit from extra support. The information gathered about the pupils across developmental spheres, which are the Perceptual and Motor, Self-Management, Social and Emotional, Early Math, Early Literacy, Receptive Language, and the Expressive Language sphere. The consequences will inform communicating and planning among parents, school forces, and others. Anecdotal notes are used to enter specific observations of single pupil behaviors, accomplishments and attitudes, these notes provide cumulative information on pupil acquisition, uncovering penetrations about the kid ‘s advancement when they are reviewed consecutive and provides way for farther direction. Anecdotal records are besides factual, nonjudgmental notes of kids ‘s activity ( Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory, 1991 ) . They are most utile for entering self-generated events. The advantages are that the perceiver does non necessitate particular preparation, and the observation can be used to concentrate specifically on the behavior of involvement. The disadvantages of this type of appraisal are that the consequences depend upon the memory of the single perceiver, and the perceiver may overlook much important behavior to concentrate on a specific behavior. Systematic observation strengths are that it is used in the natural scene of the kid ‘s schoolroom environment, the instructor can detect what causes the pupil specific behavior and topographic points minimum restraints on kids ‘s behavior and activities, leting them to act of course and exhibit their full scope of accomplishments and abilities while prosecuting in activities that hold intending for them, such as dramatic drama activities or block building ( Hills, 1993 ; Schweinhart, 1993 ) . Systematic observation besides has its weak countries where the teacher/observer may falsify information which can do them invalid, some pupils do non work efficaciously when they are being watched and they may execute otherwise. Traditional Trial Traditional appraisal ( TA ) refers to standardise proving that uses inquiries with a limited figure of reply picks. They can be multiple-choice trials, fill-in-the-blanks, true-false, duplicate, essays and some short reply responses. Students typically select an reply or remember information to finish the appraisal. These trials may be standardized or teacher-created, and may be administered locally, province broad, or internationally. Other proving methods, sometimes known as performance-based appraisal, alternate appraisal or reliable appraisal, focal point on the procedure by which a pupil arrives at an reply in add-on to the concluding response. Most standardised trials are non designed to measure the individualised growing and development taking topographic point in your schoolroom. But there are other assessment tools that do! Early on childhood pedagogues are uncomfortable with the thought of proving the immature kids they work with. This is because the traditional appraisal tools were designed chiefly for older elementary-school pupils. Children taking these trials are assessed on stray accomplishments in ways that are unfamiliar to them, and the trial consequences frequently do non reflect kids ‘s personal experiences or cognition. One of the primary benefits of traditional appraisal is the easiness in which decision makers and admittances professionals can analyse and compare pupil tonss. Standardized proving that relies wholly on quantifiable responses produces an appraisal that is easy to hit. Test shapers can categorise inquiries to find which countries pupils excel in and which they have trouble with. Students ‘ consequences are comparable over clip and across a big, diverse group of pupils. Recently nevertheless, new attacks to appraisal has been deriving credence among early childhood and primary class instructors. These are known as â€Å" public presentation † or â€Å" reliable † appraisal ; these new tools have many benefits that standardized trials do non, which are, that they consistently document what kids know and can make based on activities they engage in on a day-to-day footing in their schoolrooms. They are flexible plenty to let instructors to measure each kid ‘s advancement utilizing information obtained from ongoing schoolroom interactions with stuffs and equals. They are a agencies for bettering direction, leting instructors to be after a comprehensive, developmentally oriented course of study based on their cognition of each kid. Traditional appraisal methods have the disadvantage of missing real-world context. Students answer inquiries one by one without the demand to use long-run critical logical thinking accomplishments. They besides lack opportunities to show their logical thinking accomplishments despite a deficiency of cognition about a inquiry ‘s specific capable affair. Alternate assessment methods allow pupils to use their accomplishments and cognition within a context that more closely resembles job work outing and knowledge application in most occupations or day-to-day undertakings. Traditional appraisal besides has both advantages and disadvantages when it comes to the manner pedagogues teach. Traditional appraisal forces pedagogues to pass clip learning pupils how to pull off trials, including schemes for choosing right replies from a listed group. Alternative appraisal allows pedagogues to concentrate on critical logical thinking accomplishments, which pupils will be able to use of course to long-form trial inquiries. However, in state of affairss where alternate appraisal replaces traditional appraisal, this means instructors need to larn new methods of trial readying and schools need to develop alternate signifiers of public presentation appraisal for their pupils and instructors. Decision Appraisals are utile, effectual tools to help early childhood professionals in admiting and documenting each kid ‘s advancement. Appraisals can be alone to each kid and the contents can concentrate on each kid ‘s specific interactions with his or her environment, stuffs, equals, and instructors. Both parents and kids can work together positively. This tripartite conferencing and planning method, affecting instructors, parents, and kids, is a major end of reliable appraisal today ( Ryan, p. 2 ) . Appraisals are practical and utile for both coverage and planning. The signifier and format are adaptable to each educational plan of immature kids.